一、** 1.19刷入只有RECOVERY 报错
------ 正在刷入 Boot 镜像 ------
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending ‘boot_a’ (23361 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.992s]
writing ‘boot_a’…
OKAY [ 0.381s]
finished. total time: 1.376s
提示:Recovery 镜像不存在。已跳过刷入…
正在尝试寻找 Fastboot 设备…
[Debug] 当前正使用的 fastboot 版本:
fastboot version 26.0.0 rc1-eng.a18317.20171105.083832
Installed as J:\MOTO Z2F\底包\SPRINT\tools\mfastboot\26.0.0\mfastboot.exe
[Debug] Device has slot A/B partition.
[Debug] Device does not have lun.
==> 设置 FB 模式…
OKAY [ 0.001s]
finished. total time: 0.002s
======== 正在刷入 BL(引导)部分 ========
------ 正在刷入 GPT 镜像 ------
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending ‘partition’ (206 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.047s]
writing ‘partition’…
(bootloader) Validating ‘gpt.default.xml’
(bootloader) Committing ‘gpt.default.xml’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main0.bin’ to ‘partition:0’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main1.bin’ to ‘partition:1’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main2.bin’ to ‘partition:2’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main3.bin’ to ‘partition:3’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main4.bin’ to ‘partition:4’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main5.bin’ to ‘partition:5’
OKAY [ 0.220s]
finished. total time: 0.270s
------ 正在刷入 Bootloader 镜像 ------
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending ‘bootloader’ (9884 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.446s]
writing ‘bootloader’…
(bootloader) Validating ‘bootloader.default.xml’
(bootloader) Preflash validation failed
(bootloader) Cancelling ‘bootloader.default.xml’
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.501s
严重错误:fastboot 刷入 bootloader 失败!
正在尝试寻找 Fastboot 设备…
[Debug] 当前正使用的 fastboot 版本:
fastboot version 28.0.0 rc1-eng.a21550.20190325.094220
Installed as J:\MOTO Z2F\底包\SPRINT\tools\mfastboot\28.0.0\mfastboot.exe
[Debug] Device has slot A/B partition.
[Debug] Device does not have lun.
==> 设置 FB 模式…
OKAY [ 0.002s]
Finished. Total time: 0.002s
======== 正在刷入 BL(引导)部分 ========
------ 正在刷入 GPT 镜像 ------
Sending ‘partition’ (206 KB) OKAY [ 0.010s]
Writing ‘partition’
(bootloader) Validating ‘gpt.default.xml’
(bootloader) Committing ‘gpt.default.xml’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main0.bin’ to ‘partition:0’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main1.bin’ to ‘partition:1’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main2.bin’ to ‘partition:2’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main3.bin’ to ‘partition:3’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main4.bin’ to ‘partition:4’
(bootloader) - flashing ‘gpt_main5.bin’ to ‘partition:5’
OKAY [ 0.211s]
Finished. Total time: 0.225s
------ 正在刷入 Bootloader 镜像 ------
Sending ‘bootloader’ (9884 KB) OKAY [ 0.351s]
Writing ‘bootloader’
(bootloader) Validating ‘bootloader.default.xml’
(bootloader) Preflash validation failed
(bootloader) Cancelling ‘bootloader.default.xml’
FAILED (remote: ‘’)
Finished. Total time: 0.417s
严重错误:fastboot 刷入 bootloader 失败!
请按任意键继续. . .
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending ‘motoboot’ (1940 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.070s]
writing ‘motoboot’…
(bootloader) Invalid partition name motoboot
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.073s
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending ‘logo’ (854 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.031s]
writing ‘logo’…
OKAY [ 0.014s]
finished. total time: 0.047s
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending ‘recovery’ (7878 KB)…
OKAY [ 0.270s]
writing ‘recovery’…
(bootloader) Invalid partition name recovery
FAILED (remote failure
finished. total time: 0.273s