Moto Z2 Play

近段时间,联想Moto新机密集曝光,包括Moto E4、C、X、Z2等,下面Z2 Play的疑似官方海报图也现身网络。

看起来,这一点Z2 play的理念和上一代一致,依然延续的是和顶级旗舰Z2一样的外形设计,且支持触点模块,不同之处应该还是在硬件参数方面。


TechnoBuffalo称,Z2 Play有望搭载14nm骁龙660处理器、3GB RAM,5.5英寸1080P显示屏,和骁龙835的Z2一样,最快在今年6月发布


technobuffalo 原文
Exclusive: Here’s your first look at the Moto Z2 Play

Motorola is gearing up to introduce sequels to some of its biggest devices from last year. Among them, the company is looking to release the Moto Z2 Play, which looks to pick up right where the last one left off.

The picture below was provided to us by a trusted source, revealing some minor design changes set to hit the sequel. For one, the home button has been slightly redesigned to mirror what Motorola introduced with the G5 and G5 Plus. Not only does it double as a home button/fingerprint sensor, but it supports swiping gestures in lieu of on-screen navigation buttons.

The Moto Z2 Play looks just as sleek as last year’s model, with a shimmering gold trim and a thin frame. It keeps the front-facing flash we saw in the previous model, along with the cyclops camera hump.

The allure of last year’s Z Play was the battery life. The device, which also supported Motorola’s Moto Mods, came with a 3,510mAh battery. That’s larger than the batteries included in some of today’s most popular flagships. Not to mention the screen resolution was 1080p, which meant the device could survive a heavy day of use with plenty of juice leftover.

Our source didn’t provide any specs for the Moto Z2 Play, but we’re not expecting any major upgrades. The Moto Z Play came with a Snapdragon 625 chip, 3GB of RAM, 32GB of expandable storage, and a 16-megapixel camera, along with that enormous battery. You buy this phone for its battery life, not for its specs.

The image features a date of June 8 on the screen, which is a Thursday (and during the week of Apple’s WWDC). Last year, the Moto Z Play wasn’t unveiled until August, so it looks like the sequel could be set to make an early debut.



moto Z 不丑啊
